Often, I find myself thinking about connection. I mostly contemplate various ways to explain the importance of the connection between parent and child and different ideas on how to promote healthy connections. Recently, I stumbled across this interesting article, Connections: 4 Reasons It’s Important, 4 Reasons It’s Difficult, and 4 Ways to Cultivate It, by Alisa Jaffe Holleron. If you have the chance to read this piece of work, I recommend that you do – the article is a quick read and great refresher on, you named it, connecting with your children. I will always and forever promote a healthy connection between parent and child and enjoy working with families on finding practical ways to find a few ways to connect.
Parenting can be difficult. Parenting children who have experienced trauma can add another component that can be especially difficult at times. Connection for parents is very beneficial.
A connection with other parents who have parented children with a trauma history can have many benefits. A connection with two (or more) parents who have experienced similarities in their journey can promote comfort and understanding. A simple head nod or message of, ‘Yes, we’ve been there, too,’ can do wonders with feelings of comfort and being understood. The connection can also be encouraging. For example, hearing another’s story may create a hope to continue the tough work of parenting. These connections can also be inspiring! Different approaches to handling various scenarios in parenting can be gained when connected to another who has gone through similar situations. Parents may also find a mentor to help along the way; or find themselves as a mentor to someone who is just starting out on their journey of parenting.
Brene Brown once said, ‘staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.’ Parents, I encourage you to reach out, become vulnerable, and experience connection. This may help alleviate some of the stressors you’ve encountered within parenting.
This blog post was written by Post Adopt Coordinator, Darcy Solem, LBSW
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